Ascot 2024 Day 5: The King And Queen

King Charles and Queen Camilla led the royal carriage procession today for the last day of Royal Ascot, the King again in his black silk top hat.

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Queen Camilla repeated a cream straw hat with side sweeping brim, angular crown and padded white silk hatband.

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It’s a sleek design that contrasts against the feather and flower extraveganzas she has worn the past two days. While I don’t like the padded headband, it’s impeccably made and I applaud that.

Milliner: Philip Treacy. Dress and Coat by Dior
Previously Worn: Jun 20, 2023; May 24, 2023


Images from Getty as indicated  

5 thoughts on “Ascot 2024 Day 5: The King And Queen

  1. a bit of a palate cleanser for the last day. Her hat and outfit might be on the plainer side, but all the better to showcase my favorite choker and earrings 😀 HMK looks dapper as usual!

  2. Business as usual for Camilla, and that’s OK for Saturday, the last day. Thursday’s white hat’s flower was HUGE, and yesterday’s feathered affair was quite extravagant. When and where could/would she re-wear them, perhaps a wedding?

  3. Seems like a regular outfit.

    I do not know how to find out but were they betting on which colour hat she would wear?

    • I saw North American coverage (which included lots of ITV footage) of today’s races and yes, there was indeed betting on the colour of hat Queen Camilla would wear! I assume this happened each of the previous days as well.

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