Spanish Royal Wedding Ten Years On: Remaining Reigning Royal Houses

The Royal Hats Blog Several representatives from other reigning royal houses also attended the marriage of the Princes of Asutrias and Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano on May 22, 2004. Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain and his wife Hala bint D’aij Al Khalifa represented their country. Hala wore an interesting orange wool hat with flat crown wrapped in a slim, buckled belt. The crown of the hat sloped down into the brim without an adjoining seam and created a unique millinery shape. It is not the first hat I would have thought of to pair with Hala’s lemon yellow, flower trimmed suit and it made for an interesting and unexpected combination.

Hala bint D'aij Al Khalifa, May 22, 2004 | Royal Hats

Princess Caroline of Monaco and Hanover was predictably dressed head-to-toe in Chanel. The unfinished strips of silk that made up her pale blue jacket were repeated in a coordinating silk band and rosette which trimmed her straw picture hat. I am not usually a fan of flat crowned hats but there was something about the proportion of this hat (and the way it perfectly coordinated with Caroline’s suit) that made it work so beautifully well. Very pretty, indeed.

Princess Caroline of Hanover and Monaco, May 22, 2004 in Chanel | Royal Hats Princess Caroline of Hanover and Monaco, May 22, 2004 in Chanel | Royal Hats

I believe we have made our way through all of the guests from reigning royal houses who attended this wedding- next up are the guests from non reigning royal houses. We’ll start with some fantastical hats worn by the Bulgarian princesses. 

Photos from  AFP/Getty Images and A. Jones/J. Whatling/J. Parker/M. Cuthbert via Getty; Leo Yasky via Wire Image