Conclusion of Luxembourg State Visit to Belgium

The Luxembourg state visit to Belgium reached its conclusion today with visits to a children’s charity and an official farewell. For these events, Queen Mathilde repeated a stacked petal headpiece made of pale rose-buff abaca.

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Embed from Getty Images

What to say… it’s another awkwardly proportioned design that lacks refinement, two issues not helped by today’s placement on the side of the head. I much prefered Mathilde’s placement on its last outing. On a positive note, the colour is a great compliment to the ensemble, breaking up the bubblegum look.

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Milliner: Fabienne Delvigne “Collette” design
Previously Worn: June 1, 2021; Sep 8, 2019Sep 8, 2017July 21, 2016


Images from Getty as indicated  

6 thoughts on “Conclusion of Luxembourg State Visit to Belgium

  1. OMG! Look at this! I’ve got to do some serious catch-up. Lots of good reading in my near future. Welcome back Hat Lady!

  2. In this case, I think head-to-toe matching would be more cohesive, and less random looking, since the colors are not exactly the same. I agree, it looks placed entirely too low. A miss for me. Bring on the bold HATS!

  3. I wonder too if these minimalist hats/headpieces were chosen as the Grand Duchess is choosing not to wear hats. Hatted but not-hatted so to speak as courtesy to her guest…..

  4. The quality and construction of this headpiece have been discussed at length previously, and my thoughts on that haven’t changed (except perhaps for the worse unfortunately). What I’m more concerned with this time is the placement on Mathilde’s head; it is so awkward this time, and it makes me wonder how it even stays on! The last time was the best placement by far IMO and I wish she had done the same this time. C’est la vie.

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